Pre-conference Session Details | Wednesday October 23rd
All pre-conference sessions are free and included with full conference registration.
Speakers: Deirdre Caparoso, Bo Ford
- Digital Equity/Telemedicine
Time: Morning, TBDLocation: TBD
Telehealth is a hot button topic for rural libraries throughout the country, and New Mexico is unique in its connectivity challenges. Access to a doctor and accurate information is a barrier for 38.4% of New Mexican residents, and over 24.7% of New Mexicans are aging citizens. Libraries are well positioned to facilitate telehealth appointments through privacy spaces, and trained community health information specialists.
- Collection Development Policies: Training to Fight Censorship Dragons
Speakers: Kate Alderete, Eli Guinnee
Time: Morning, TBD
Location: TBD
Join State Librarian, Eli Guinnee and Deputy State Librarian, Kate Alderete, for a hands-on collection development policy training.
- Something Queer at the Library: Supporting LGBTQ+ Patrons in a Time of National Crisis
Speaker: Samuel Buelow
Time: Afternoon, TBD
Location: TBD
Nationwide, LGBTQ+ patrons are feeling particularly vulnerable. This workshop explores ways libraries can actively support this group in both overt and discrete ways in terms of programming, collections, connections with local services, and patron-staff interactions. Santa Fe Public Library's "Something Queer at the Library" events series provides an example.
- Lead from Where You Are: Leveraging International Leadership Skills to Bring Your Team to the Next Level
Speaker: Jason Shoup
Time: Afternoon, TBD
Location: TBD
All too often we find ourselves in leadership roles simply because we were great librarians. This workshop will introduce frameworks to help you intentionally leverage what you already know and to cultivate new skill sets to cement you in your role as a leader within your organization.
- Descriptive Cataloging and Subject Cataloging Workshops
Speakers: Bradley Carrington, Joseph Angelo, Sarah Obenauf
Time: Full Day (Morning: Descriptive, Afternoon: Subject)
Location: TBD
We will cover the basics and more. Descriptive cataloging in the morning (describing all formats of resources) and subject cataloging in the afternoon (assigning subject terms and classification numbers).
- Research Bootcamp for Librarians
Speakers: Erin Renee Wahl, Dr. Kristin Kew, Dr. Brian Atkinson
Time: Full Day
Location: TBD
Have you ever wanted to do your own research study, but were unsure where to start? Slay this dragon by attending this workshop designed for everyone...public librarians, school librarians, archivists, and academic librarians. Publication doesn't have to be part of your job to attend! Participants will get a crash course in quantitative and qualitative research. Other topics included: choosing and using frameworks, IRB, the publishing process, co-authoring and networking, etc.